Good Morning #WeAreFenton Family!
Each year our district has a United Way Campaign. For 2025, we are inviting you to participate with a Penny War. Each school will have two containers - one for each team playing in the Superbowl this year. Students and staff are encouraged to put pennies in the container of the team they want to win and silver coins in the container for the team they want to lose. Will it be the Kansas City Chiefs or the Philadelphia Eagles? I know we really wish it was the Lions! The school that collects the most donations will receive the FAPS Penny War Trophy to proudly display! Penny Wars start on Monday February 3rd and end next Friday February 7th.
All donations received go to support the Fenton Area Public Schools United Way Campaign for 2025. If you have any questions or want to know more information, please contact Marissa Cobleigh at . Thank you in advance for your participation!