School Board Elections

The decision to run for your local school board is one to which much thought and consideration must be given. Serving as a board member is one of the most important responsibilities that a citizen can undertake. If elected, the educational standards that you, together with your fellow board members, establish will affect the future of the students, the community, and society. Being a board member is a complex and varied position, and often is frustrating as you struggle for long hours with difficult choices. However, it is also rewarding, as you watch students succeed and go on to lead productive lives as the result of educational opportunities you helped to create.
According to Michigan law, "school board members are state officers who carry out the state’s educational obligations at the local level. Every school board member must take an oath of office promising to uphold all laws." There are certain implications in being responsible for the entire district which you may want to consider. Decisions need to reflect what is in the best interest of all students and all citizens. This demands constant effort and a strong commitment to serving other people.
For more information on becoming a candidate for school board, click here:
For more information on local school boards, click here: