Parent/Child Playgroups

Parent/child playgroups are available for all children ages birth-five years old and a caregiver. Any family is welcome - you do not have to live in Fenton or live in the school district. Each group meets multiple times per week and offers an assortment of activities designed to engage the child and his/her caregiver. We currently offer two amazing parent/child playgroups for children birth through age five!
JumpStart is a grant funded program available for Genesee County families that are income eligible. Eligibility is determined by the State of Michigan’s income qualifications and children must meet the at-risk criteria used by the Great State Readiness Program (GSRP). Families out of county that qualify will pay a low sliding scale fee. The grant is funded by donors through the Community Foundation of Greater Flint.
WonderWorks is a tuition program that families can participate in for a flat rate of $72.00 for each month session.
What is a playgroup? Both programs will incorporate all aspects of developmentally appropriate programming: social/emotional, fine/gross motor, literacy and language skills. Together we will work to maximize these skills in order to provide your child with the best start possible. The program is designed to provide strong family involvement and community connections to other families. JumpStart will use Parents-As-Teachers (P.A.T) Curriculum, a nationally recognized and evidenced-based curriculum designed for families with children birth through age five. Developmental home visits will be available to all families.
What We Offer
Flexibility: We understand that families need flexibility when it pertains to weekly activities and commitments. Families can attend any time during the day that classes are offered and come as little or as much as they want during the week.
Gross Motor Experiences: During this class we are using our large motor skills to build, climb, ride bikes, do various parachute activities, and more! We have gross motor spaces including our gross motor room, our full size gymnasium, and our award winning nature playground.
Art: During this class we paint, create, use our small motor skills to cut, draw, and tear.
Music: Come play instruments with us, sing songs, and dance to music as we move our bodies around in our dance studio!
Playgroup Classroom: During this class we utilize the sensory table, light table, and have a variety of Reggio inspired provocations for children to explore as they play.
Library: Come listen to a story in our school library and check out books to enjoy at home.
For more information contact Kim Weingartz at