Parent Engagement Information
The Michigan Department of Education (MDE), the State Board of Education and the Office of Field Services (OFS) are committed to increasing student achievement and supporting Michigan’s districts by providing them with the best possible parent engagement resources. Extensive research conducted over the past forty years indicates that when parents are engaged in their children’s education academic achievement increases.
The Office of Field Services, in collaboration with representatives from other MDE departments (including Early Childhood and the Office of Educational Improvement and Innovations), as well as intermediate school districts, local educational agencies, universities and parents established a Parent Engagement Review Committee in June 2011. The committee’s primary role was to:
Improve student academic achievement by providing school teams with research based strategies and resources for overcoming barriers to parent engagement in schools.
Compile compelling summary and synthesis of research regarding the impact of parent engagement on student academic achievement.
Provide parents with a practical tool that informs them of the school system, and incorporates strategies and resources conducive to children’s cognitive, academic, social and emotional growth.
Guided by a vision of empowerment and collaboration, the committee provided the Department of Education with a sustainable vision for parent engagement to guide its efforts.
Source: MDOE “Collaborating for Success” Parent Engagement Toolkit 2011